Thursday, August 18, 2011

Enough of this tea bagger crap !!!

Have you ever heard such whining and aliabing in your life? It ain’t our fault, we didn’t hold the country hostage over the debt ceiling crisis. I guess all of the interviews of Tea bagger Congressmen never happened. I won’t vote for raising the debt ceiling they said. Not me I’d rather have the country go into default than give in to that guy in the White house. Why weren’t they there to save the country from that lousy big spender George Bush – two wars not paid for, a prescription drug program not paid for and the largest tax cut for the rich in history and that stinking tarp program that bailed out the banks. George the slick ran up a 7 trillion deficit and then passed it and a horrible economy on to the next guy. What a deal!

With everyone’s 401k account going into the toilet and the financial system going haywire these same patriots proclaimed that we should let the financial system go bust, then maybe these guys in Washington will do the bidding of our benefactors--the Koch Brothers, the Chamber of Commerce and a number of other rich guys who came up with this plan to subvert the democratic process by making it look like there was a grassroots movement.  You have to ask yourself where did all this money come from that was able to launch a phony grassroots movement. It’s the same guys who are convincing the American people that all of our institutions are bad and we need to privatize everything.

Unless folks are independently wealthy, how can anyone afford to be stripped of their medicare or medicaid and their social security benefits. How about the pension plan you thought you were going to get? Who’s going to insure that you get that money? The answer is that the folks that put you up to this mischief will disappear or better yet they will tell you to get a minimum wage job. Don’t expect small government to come to your rescue. The safety net will be gone.

The John Birch Society tried to convince America in the sixties that the government was bad and that Earl Warren, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court should be impeached. It wasn’t until Bill Buckley the father of American Conservatism denounced the Bircher’s that they lost their hold on the conservative movement.  This Tea party movement is nothing more then the reenergizing of this right wing movement. America is being bought and paid for by the rich and the little people are making it possible.

I know you are a patriot with a free spirit so you will be able to survive on your own. But what about your old mom and dad or uncle Fester? Who’s going to take care of them? Oh, I know all of those churches and charitable groups that have shown in the past that they are ready and able to fill in the holes in the safety net. I will rest easy tonight knowing that you folks have got it all figured out and that the rest of us have nothing worry about.

Submitted by Bob Rann 

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