Sunday, June 26, 2011


Where is the out cry from every Democrat in America?  What in the hell are you doing to us? You are willing to bring financial ruin to this county of ours because you want to make things better for the rich and powerful. What is wrong with you, have you lost your sense of reason? This is not a game you are playing where if you cause the economy to go into a tail spin you can say oops I made a mistake, can we try this again. How dare you play Russian roulette with our country on the whim of a few crackpots?  Why don’t you want businesses and the rich to pay their fair share? And why are you so hell bent on destroying the economy for political power. And why did you signal Wall Street that you were just kidding when you said you would refuse to raise the debt ceiling unless the President and Democrats agree to massive cuts in Medicare and Medicaid and Social Security. Is this a sinister scheme by your benefactors to force the Democrats to give in and give you what you want; destruction of the safety net for millions of Americans. Probably a lot of your friends and relatives will suffer from this risky gamble.

Suppose, just suppose, with all your phony posturing you cause world markets to panic and refuse to invest in America and to begin demanding much higher rates of interest on their investments in the American Economy? How do you deal with this problem?  Even if you raise the debt ceiling the damage will have been done. No longer will our country be viewed as a stable place to invest, a safe haven for the world’s resources. This could happen even if we wait too long to raise the debt ceiling. Once this happens surely financial collapse is not far behind. You patriots who think you have the entire answers better think long and hard about what you are going to say to all the people who will want an explanation. It better be good, because you will get your wish, smaller government and a destroyed safety net.

Let’s assume for a moment that the Democrats refuse to bend to your will (your blackmail scheme). Are you then going to pull the plug and let the economy go into free fall? If you think the economy is suffering from what is now a slow recovery think about what will happen when the full faith and credit of US is ruined.  Does the term third world country ring a bell? Alas, remember the good old days when millions of retired folks got a check from the government every month, it was called Social Security. And how about medical care for millions of poor and the elderly, all gone. All at once we are no longer a military power protecting the world against enemies both real and imagined and how about the military industrial complex?  All those people out of work--what a shame. We shouldn’t forget all of those government and military retirees that will lose their pension while hundreds of thousands of government workers are sent home because they can’t be sustained under a contracted budget. Remember those banks that were in financial crisis, guess what, most of them will be forced to close. And last, but not least, you thought you took a financial licking in the last recession –you ain’t seen anything yet.

Welcome to the wonderful world of financial collapse, the 1930’s will look like a walk in the park. I think the Republicans and their supporters are totally out of control. The victory that they received in November has put them over the edge. Their attack on unions, workers’ collective bargaining rights, and the middle class are unprecedented. The Republicans, spurred on by their rich patrons, are leading this country to a class struggle that will take generations to recover from. Wake up America you are being hood winked by this band of mad men. We have to fight back.  Time is running out. Stand up Democrats, and in the words of the phony tea party, let us take our country back.

Submitted by Bob Rann

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