Thursday, June 9, 2011

Why isn’t the PDA supporting the Progressive Caucus Budget--“The Peoples Budget of 2012?

The best kept secret in Washington these days is the budget presented by the Congressional Progressive Caucus for Fiscal Year 2012. This budget eliminates the deficit by 2021. Far sooner than the Ryan budget in 2030 and much better than the Presidents budget which claims a soft date that can’t be relied on. It’s pretty obvious the People’s Budget supports all of the things the American people care about:

  • It preserves Medicare and Medicaid as well as Social Security.
  • It eliminates the Bush tax cuts which were the cause of the last recession
  • It eliminates the funding of the wars overseas and brings the troops home
  • Makes available funds to rebuild the US infrastructure, roads, bridges, and much needed dams.
  • Provides additional funding for education and college tuition grants.
  • Provides for massive job training and retraining.

The budget’s Bottom Line

  • Deficit reduction of 5.6 trillion
  • Primary spending cuts of 869 billion
  • Net interest savings of  857 billion
  • Total spending cuts of 1.7 trillion
  • Revenue increase of 3.9 trillion
  • Public investment of 1.7 trillion
  • Budget surplus of 30.7 billion in 2021, debt at 64.1% of GDP

Guess why nobody wants to support this budget? It gores too many oxen. How could these guys get all of these rich guys and businesses to support their campaigns if they were to get behind this budget? The people in America need a voice that speaks with clarity. The little people are getting screwed while the rich get richer and the middle class disappears. The sad part of all this is that generally people support the right wing agenda. They believe the hype that the only way out of this mess is to drastically cut the budget.  They have listened to the Republicans and the Tea Party protesting against raising taxes and they have bought into this nonsense. That’s because the President and the Democratic Party continually agree with budget cutting misinformation and have not thrown their support behind a viable alternative. We need to show the people that there is a better way. We need to organize around this issue and raise hell. We can’t allow these folks to dumb down America so that the American worker is at the mercy of big business.


Submitted by Bob Rann

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